What is a strong trademark?
How do you create a distinctive trademark?
The trademark you choose distinguishes your brand from your competitors’...
Can you use your brand name before it’s registered as a trademark?
This is a tricky question – and one that is particularly important for businesses who are thinking about using a new...
Trademark Classes
Trademarks are registered for specific goods and services, all of which fall within specified classes or categories. ...
When is a trademark not registrable?
We are often asked the question: “When can’t I register my trademark?” So we thought we’d explain some examples of...
Should I register a logo as a trademark?
The obvious answer to this question is, “Yes, you most likely can – and you most likely should!”To ensure that you...
Can I trademark a slogan?
What is a slogan?
A slogan or tagline is usually a catchy and memorable phrase used in advertising. It can be used to...
Trademark Infringement
What is Trademark Infringement?
Trademark law protects the legal rights of a registered trademark owner. Trademark...
Trademark Opposition
What is a Trademark Opposition?
A trademark opposition is a challenge to stop the registration of a new trademark. An...
Trademarks and Keyword Bidding
Can you use trademarks in keyword bidding?
Because a registered trademark gives a trademark owner exclusive rights to use...